Projects / Experiences

I have collaborated in national projects, such as hypatiae art and science H-A-S as video maker, project assistant and movie creator. I am a scout and since then I have participated in many national projects regarding the social and what surrounds it. I collaborated with a project of Aibi friends of children at a national level, to digitize the psychological world, in a theme concerning the adoption to bring 3D viewers to Castellammare di Stabia, to make you imagine and experience what it would be like to have a son . I have worked alongside professionals, in the field of digital innovations and startups, in the executive organization, for two years now in many relevant roles such as speaker management, management of the Bobbio classroom at the federico university || Faculty of Engineering. (AgileComunityCampania)
Con grandissimo onore da oggi il mio progetto I.T.A / DigitalCulture2019 Tema :
Coding Now Dal giorno 13/11/19 viene riconosciuto come progetto curriculare presso il Liceo Plinio Seniore di Castellammare di Stabia .
L'obiettivo del progetto è quello di dare una implementazione generale del mondo digitale , rendere i ragazzi in grado di lavorare in team affrontando tutti i limiti e problemi attraverso la capacità del Problem-Solving e in fine la capacità di progettare .
. founder project yanko Mormone
Education-Director Filomena Castaldo